Fee Schedule
Important Info
- Office Hours: Mon & Tues 12pm - 10pm | Wed & Thu 2pm - 7pm
- Induction will usually take 1-3 days
- Initial visits and follow-up times will depend on the complexity of the complaints and diagnosis.
- Scheduling an appointment is a request for a time for an appointment. It does not guarantee that time will be fulfilled, as I work with multiple calendars currently. In this event, I will notify you to set up a different appointment time.
- If there is a specific day and time that you would like to request and is not on my current availability, please feel free to contact me, as there is a good chance I will be able to work you in on another day and time.
- Insurance carriers coming soon!
Have Questions?
If you have questions before scheduling an appointment, please use the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.